Update 12 March 2014
Today we have selected two keynote speakers to present interesting stories: Roland Hameeteman (Owner of e-Office, The Human Software Organisation) and Dirk Tuip (Owner of www.searchuser.nl and www.Dirk Tuip.nl). For more information about the speakers and their organisations, please click on their names.
20 February 2014
This Summer Heliview is going to organize the Connected Company Congress. The congress will take place in the Amsterdam Arena on the 19th of June 2014.
The Connected Company will answer the question how organisations are able to improve their internal and external interactions, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Social business is inevitable to reach these goals. Please click here for the congress website.
I have been asked to join the program committee and to be the chairman of this interesting congress.
As I have been responsible for an international project to implement internal social media for 38 companies in 30 countries, I am familiar with the information shared during this day. My project, named LinkedPeople, has been recognised as a global best practise in the social business arena. For more information about LinkedPeople click here.
At several congresses (among others in Boston (IBM), Brisbane (IPMA), London (Gartner) and Dubrovnik) I shared multiple lessons learned, like:
– It’s not Facebook but working towards “a Corporate Brain”
– It’s a HR change program
– Adoption is key and not the technical aspect
– Develop adoption scenarios
– How LinkedPeople is able to help you in your daily activities
International companies struggle how to store and distribute knowledge through their organisation. Re-inventing wheels with the double costs involved is a well known issue. Next to this, the generation Y is entering organisations. Baby boomers are leaving companies rapidly. How will (young) staff find knowledge spread throughout the company? Who do they need to contact someone for a specific question etc.
Social Business is able to answers these questions
Currently many companies are investigating how to start facing this “challenging” subject. Knowledge is power, who checks correctness of the information published, people need to work instead of checking social media like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are just a few well known remarks.
Next to the above I have seen that a behavioural change in trust and transparency is inevitable.
I look forward to be part of an inspiring day!