Today I have used NotebookLM for the first time. How perfect has this AI tool described my work and some stories of my private life in an IA generated podcast! I am quite overwhelmed how this tool is able to create this interview which is for 99.9% accurate. Specifically the interconnections of my sports (skydiving […]Read More
In February 2016 I have trained project management teams in Brasil, New Zealand and India. I use the IPMA (International Project Management Association) International Competence Baseline as a baseline. To give (in just one week) a training in three different continents is both a challenge and a gift. The interactions with people from very different […]Read More
Mid-March 2015 I have successfully completed the International Project Management Association (IPMA) PE Award training. Please find my blog about this training in Denmark here. In April I was asked to execute an International PE Award assessment regarding a large project in China. I will not write about the name, location etc. of this multimillion project […]Read More
Last weekend I attended the Project Excellence Award Training in Denmark (13, 14 and 15 March 2015). This high quality training, executed by the International Project Management Association (IPMA), has learned me how to execute International IPMA Project Award assessments / audits. IPMA is the world leading Project Management Organisation with nearly 60 membership countries. […]Read More
See also my first blog regarding my dialogue at the IPMA World Congress here. Update 28 September 2014, Ready to go! Please see this teaser. Update 28 August 2014 As promised (expectation management => ICB 1.02 stakeholder management), please see an update on my blog in preparing for my presentation at the IPMA WC. […]Read More
Update 12 March 2014 Today we have selected two keynote speakers to present interesting stories: Roland Hameeteman (Owner of e-Office, The Human Software Organisation) and Dirk Tuip (Owner of and www.Dirk For more information about the speakers and their organisations, please click on their names. 20 February 2014 This Summer Heliview is going […]Read More
Article (only in Dutch) about the project management complexity working at a global level. Verschillen in taal, cultuur en werkwijze en onduidelijkheden over competenties tussen verschillende spelers. Het zijn de specifieke kenmerken van complexe internationale projecten en programma’s. Wim de Gier vertelt over de ontwikkeling en internationale roll-out van de rapportagetool FleetReporting in alle 29 […]Read More