Ever since June 2003, I am proud to work for the global leader in fleet management and driver mobility! Today we launched a launched a major global marketing campaign, featuring Top Gear and The Grand Tour presenter Richard Hammond, highlighting LeasePlan’s commitment to offering What’s next in mobility to its customers via an ‘Any car, Anytime, Anywhere’ service. CEO […]Read More
The wonderful theme of the Project Control Congress of PCO Kennis in Driebergen on the 2nd of February, was ‘Pride’. I gladly accepted the invitation to present at the congress. As you might have read in my “about” page as Global Program Manager, I am responsible for several international projects. Next to that I have several […]Read More
Happy new year! Every evening when I bring my 7 years old daughter Charlotte to bed, I ask her the following two important questions: What did you like most today and made you smile? What have you learned today? Today I received two powerful messages which, in essence, reflected in a beautiful way to the […]Read More
On the 30th of November I gave a presentation about managing International teams at Valid. Valid is a company in the Netherlands who implements Information & Communication Technologies with over 300 employees. Among these employees many knowledgeable project managers. I received the invitation to tell my story due to the fact that I manage extensive […]Read More
April 19th 2016, I gave a presentation on behalf of ISES about the strength of the modern project manager at the Dutch Project Management congress. Please click here for the congress website. Over a hundred visitors of the congress visited my parallel session, clearly showing that the topic was deemed an important topic for the […]Read More
In my role as Global Program Manager I hire data specialists and architects from “the smart data company” Kadenza. Last month Jeroen Blankendaal (MD) invited me to join a so called customer arena to openly discuss the current relationship, both tips and tops. As I embrace the idea of a fully open and transparent […]Read More
In February 2016 I have trained project management teams in Brasil, New Zealand and India. I use the IPMA (International Project Management Association) International Competence Baseline as a baseline. To give (in just one week) a training in three different continents is both a challenge and a gift. The interactions with people from very different […]Read More
Some weeks ago I was interviewed as the chairman for the Social Enterprise Congress 2015. Tips from a social business pioneer Pitfalls for organizations that have an internal social platform How do you prevent an internal social platform from fading away after an enthusiastic start? And how do you get everybody involved? Legitimate questions that […]Read More
I was asked to give lecture as part of the program Project Management at the University of Utrecht. In this minor students learn about all aspects of project management. My focus was on actual experiences with the international aspects of Project Management. Early January 2015 the lecture took place. Apart from expert knowledge, I used […]Read More
Last Wednesday, the 24th of September, the congress took place. Please see my initial blog on the subject here. Over 125 people participated actively and I was asked to chair this inspiring day. The feedback received from the participants during the day was very positive. On twitter (#tse2014) you are able to read what has […]Read More
Next week September 24th Heliview will to organize the Social Enterprise Congress. The congress will take place in DeFabrique, Utrecht. “The Social Enterprise” will answer the question how organisations are able to improve their internal and external interactions, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Social business is inevitable to reach these goals. Please click here for the congress website. […]Read More
Rome, July 2014, IPMA Behavioural competences training. Early July I gave a training about several IPMA competences to a group of 16 managers in Rome. The key focus was to explain and to share experiences about the most important 15 behavioural Project Management competences. We know that “the larger and more complex the project is, the more important the […]Read More