IPMA Behavioural competences training

Rome, July 2014, IPMA Behavioural competences training.

Early July I gave a training about several IPMA competences to a group of 16 managers in Rome. The key focus was to explain and to share experiences about the most important 15 behavioural Project Management competences. We know that “the larger and more complex the project is, the more important the behavioural competences are”. Projects only succeed by the work of people and people react differently in particular circumstances. How should a (Project) Manager behave to create a positive mind-set to all the people in the team?

We touched upon leadership styles, NLP, trust, transparency, politics, negotiation, ethics, assertiveness, cultural differences, conflict and crises etc. Please see the all slides I have used below.

We all know stories about project members who have hidden agendas, who are scarred “to let go” and who would like to work against the project goals. Even when they tell you in meetings and in a 1-2-1 situations that they fully support the project. How do you as the project manager deal with this behavior and how are you able to change this behavior in an open and constructive way?

In my 20 years experience managing large international projects in 32 different countries I have a lot of (personal) stories to share. It was for me very nice to experience a strong interaction with the group and the openness to share (project) management challenges.

At the end of the day the feedback was very positive and the people in the room, including me, left with a mind full of great stories, interactions and lessons learned.

Please find my training slides here

Please feel free to give me your feedback!

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