Redefining Happiness and Project Management trends 2017

Happy new year!

Every evening when I bring my 7 years old daughter Charlotte to bed, I ask her the following two important questions:

  • What did you like most today and made you smile?
  • What have you learned today?

Today I received two powerful messages which, in essence, reflected in a beautiful way to the above.

This is what I learned and made me smile today:

  1. Project Management trends to watch in 2017.Kamil Mroz explains in his blog a new era on Project Management (my current role). I completely support this vision as you can read in some of my previous blog’s. Over the last weeks I read that key change companies like Deloitte, PwC, KPMG and McKinsey also consider to change the role of Managing Directors into Project/Program Managers. Specifically in fast moving environments and disruptive changing markets we need adaptive change managers. Support change is the core skillset of modern, experienced and certified project managers with a high EQ and IQ.


  1. A great video about Redefining Happiness.Jay Shetty explains in this extremely powerful video message his vision on happiness. Not ‘are we there yet’? But how do I feel at every stage of the journey: are we happy in our state of being, at work, in our life etc.? We should shift our focus from doing to being! I fully agree that we are only able to find happiness inside ourselves. And when you ask your self the two simple questions every evening while looking in a mirror (see also my previous blog), I am convinced you can influence your life, projects, people around you and more in a positive way.

Happy people create happy projects, happy companies, happy customers and a better world!

I would like to thank Kamil and Jay that they have shared these two powerful messages and visions to me today!

2 thoughts on “Redefining Happiness and Project Management trends 2017

  1. Hi Wim,

    Happy New Year to you and your family as well!

    I can relate to your 2 questions you ask you daughter. I sometimes add another one as well: “what didn’t you like about today?” With this question added I really got to know my kids and now understand which situations block them from growing and learning new things. With that we can discuss what would help them unblock while in these situations. When working with a project team I find it is important to understand what blocks a team member from executing certain deliverables if actions tend to go off track and have an open and honest conversation to be able to help. In the end it will be a Win-Win.

    Thanks for sharing the messages from Kamil and Jay.

  2. Hi Angelique,

    Thank you for the third question. I agree with your thoughts and will add the question tomorrow evening as she already sleeps of course 🙂

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