World Champion IBM Social Software Business Partner

Celebration time! I just received a very nice surprise……

This week e-office has been rewarded at the IBM Connect congress in Orlando. e-office received the number one position as “The Global Social Software Business Partner”.

I am very happy for them and I fully understand why e-office received this award. During our worldwide social software implementation e-office has helped the program to define, develop and implement internal Social Software (IBM Connections) in 30 countries. It was, specifically at that moment in time (2009-2011), a challenging road to discover. With clear goals, project structure and open interactions we were able to succeed. The program has been recognised as a showcase at several social business congresses and for many other companies around the world.

I have presented the goals, benefits and lessons learned at various international congresses (among others in Boston (IBM), Brisbane (IPMA), London (Gartner) and Edinburgh). Next to that I also explained this program to international companies in various board rooms. I am proud that e-office received this “Golden Medal” and I am confident that they will move ahead even stronger to create an inspiring social business future.

Thank you e-office!

Link to the IBM reward website

Link to the e-office blog (in dutch)

To also show you the cake, I also added the full picture 🙂

Cake e-office

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