Apps in business Congress #AiB13 in the Amsterdam Arena

Update 21 November 2013:

The congress has been well received. With over 100 visitors, 16 presentations, workshops and dozens 1-2-1 meetings we can look back to a successful event.

Please click here for the opening video “it’s all about the connection” and here for a short overview of the day.


The Apps in Business Congress is on the move!

The last few months we worked hard to create an interesting and business added value congress regarding Apps in Business. The agenda is now set and we are happy with the high quality of the presenters as well as with the number   of participants.

On November 20,   I will chair this event and hope to welcome you all in the Amsterdam Arena! During the opening I will show you a personal world record video as well as a video showing a memorable jump into the same great Arena that hosts this event.

We succeeded to create a special mix of great stories including:

Business supporting power of apps (for example a great story how the city of Amsterdam keeps control of the world famous canals, since 2010 on the UNESCO World Heritage List)

  • Personal stories in relation to apps
  • Stories about “how to grow in effectiveness and speed of app development”
  • How apps are able to help you push the effectiveness of your meetings
  • How to build and implement global apps all around the globe
  • Development of apps from a gadget to a business changing mobile application

Next to the above we will have a focus on personal connections form participants to apps.  All the participants will be friendly “pushed” to interact as much as possible via the so called “Merry-Go-Round”.  We trust this day will be a mixture from “receiving and giving”.

Looking forward to a great day with you all!!

I you would like to read more please follow the #AiB13 twitter stream, look at the Apps in Business App or click here for the congress website.




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