My bucket list event of a lifetime! See a great video here and some pictures of this great event below this blog. Skydiving above a small, private Belizean island, jumping into the Blue Hole and way more!! Extraordinary DZs Early February 2018 I prepared my trip with Tsunami Skydivers to Belize. This time (I feel very privileged […]Read More
Skydive Costa Rica. In February 2017 I had two great experiences in our beautiful skies. Early February, as part of a group of around a hundred experienced International skydivers, we skydived above Tambor in Costa Rica. The view from above was amazing and landing at the beach in front of the resort made it all […]Read More
What a great boogie, location, organizers, skydives, friends, resort, organization, country, manifest, pilots, local boogie staff, nature, plane and much more…… For a smiling video of this event, please click here and you will find some pictures at the bottom of this article. On Saturday morning, after a 30 hours trip from Amsterdam – Panama – […]Read More
In this blog I gave a daily update on our skydives, including photos, video’s and two interviews on Radio538. Please enjoy! For the full explanation of our goals please click here I just uploaded a nice compilation of our 84way. We were all in the formation, but unfortunately also two wrong grips. Please click here to […]Read More
This is my diary about my most exotic skydive adventure! Above, on and underwater of Paradise Palau. Please see here a compilation of some of my Formation Skydives above incredible Palau. Please see here a 1,5 minute video of me hanging under a helicopter. From 28 March to 13 April 2014. 28 to 30 March […]Read More
An article (in Dutch) in the “Sportparachutist” (national skydive magazine) about me as a skydiver who is also a hang glider pilot. It seems that I am one of the four people in the Netherlands who is next to a skydiver (since 1981) also a hang glider (since 2006). 2013_09_20 Sportparachutist September 2013 Skydivers aan […]Read More