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Google Glass

Saturday, May 24th I had the chance to try the Google glass! It was very nice to have control through “the glass” just giving some short commands verbally or with a simple fingertip. The Google Glass reacts rapidly and is very easy to use. To take a picture, to Google, see a movie, put on the lights […]

My own company!

This month I have been to the Chamber of Commerce to register my company “Wim de Gier”. The activities I will execute in this company will be the following: (International) Project Management advice Interim (project) management Supervision Project Managers IPMA Assessments (Keynote) Speaker at international congresses Congress Chairman   For several years I have had […]

Two great Social Responsibility initiatives

Last week 60 of my colleagues and I accompanied 90 elderly (many over 85 years) people from Almere. We were able to give them a great afternoon and evening. We escorted them from their homes to the cinema (Movie “The Wilderness), from there to our office at LeasePlan for a wonderful diner and back home afterwards. […]

Chair Apps in Business

On 20 November 2013 I will be the Chair at the Apps in Business Congress in the Amsterdam Arena. I look forward to create together with the other speakers, participants and the organization team from Heliview an inspiring congress. Key will be to share knowledge and to build a strong network of people who are working in the “app […]

Welcome to my blog

I will update this blog when I have news regarding my projects, project management in general, social business and/or other interesting topics. I will also publish here articles about me and my work, which have been published in several magazines.

Programmamanagement in internationale omgeving

Article (only in Dutch) about the project management complexity working at a global level. Verschillen in taal, cultuur en werkwijze en onduidelijkheden over competenties tussen verschillende spelers. Het zijn de specifieke kenmerken van complexe internationale projecten en programma’s. Wim de Gier vertelt over de ontwikkeling en internationale roll-out van de rapportagetool FleetReporting in alle 29 […]